WHY NERIUM??? Because it changes lives!
I don't love it because I sell it, I sell it because I LOVE it!

I've always had awesome hair. My personality has a few perks. I'm tall and people usually notice when I walk into a room (most times because I'm fashionably late ). I have been an athlete since I played on my first basketball team when I was in 3rd grade. But, I have never been perfectly comfortable in a bathing suit (now I look at pics of myself when I was 12 and wonder why, lol). The great thing about that is that I didn't spend a ton of time baking in the sun and don't have a lot of the sun damage that many people have at 41. But, at age 14 I began to struggle with my skin. The acne started on my face, and as I got older I had trouble with the skin on my neck and chest, and also had bumps that I picked at on my arms and legs - especially when I was nervous. This has been a lifelong struggle, and I have been self-conscious about my skin since I can remember. Literally something that has consumed me and much of my time and caused me great anguish. As as result of decades of this destructive behavior, I have a lot of scarring. I have always used makeup, not only on my face, but on other areas people could see - so it has always taken me a long time to get ready to go anywhere. First I have to check in the inside lighting, then I have to go outside or sit in the car to see how I look in natural light. I even wore a t-shirt under my basketball jersey all the way through college because I didn't want to show the skin on my arms. In fact, I still have dreams that I am getting ready for a game and don't have my t-shirt....and then panic ensues....this was a real issue for me. Very sensitive - in fact I am tearing up 20 years later, right now, just thinking about it. Then, for the past 20 years since college I have fought with my fitness and my weight, up and down. A lot of that had to do with being so uncomfortable, literally, in my own skin. And so continues my self-consciousness about showing my arms - now more for for the fact that they are not in perfect shape as they once were, and not as much because of my skin.

I have never been good at mornings. I got up early because I had to go to school or work. But not having kids allows one to have leisurely mornings, and opens the door to a lifetime of bad habits. I have had a hard time implementing my own schedule. The appearance of good discipline when I was younger was really brought on by deadlines imposed by classes, clubs, my sorority, and of course sports. When left to my own devices, and without an imposed schedule, I am sorry to say I have never really "conquered" the whole "routine" of getting in bed at a particular time and getting up early to get started on my days. I have, especially in the past 15 years or so, been a bit of an insomniac. I have had trouble sleeping, and therefore trouble getting up even one minute before I absolutely had to. I have also fought off and on with depression, and I am a bit manic in that I am usually "really up" or "really down." Because I have worked with my family and for myself, I have spent a great deal of time by myself. This is sometimes wonderful, but it also can lend itself to feelings of isolation and a tendency to hermit myself for small stretches of time. The cycle continues with improper eating, fitness and sleeping habits. And around and around I have gone... and I have felt like I was stuck in this cycle, and would never break out. I have felt a bit hopeless.

I am absolutely ecstatic to say that ALL of these things are changing for me. I feel like I have struggled with all these issues for the first half of my life, and now I have the opportunity to rectify ALL of them in the second half. Sure, just getting older empowers us with the benefits of life experience and wisdom, but the bad habits and predispositions we have always follow us, even if they lurk in the shadows from time to time. My Aunt Tami Romani introduced me to the thing that would change my life from the inside out in the summer of 2014. After 25 years of acne washes, a round of Accutane, 10 years of Proactiv for my face and body - basically smothering my poor skin in chemicals to try to drive away the blemishes, I have found ONE product that takes care of all my issues on my face, neck, and decolletage - smoothing, evening skin tone, reducing pore size, brightening AND healing and reducing scarring! I have found ONE product to tighten my skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite and sagging skin on my arms, upper thighs and stomach. And.... dangit now I am having trouble typing through the stream of tears of pure JOY....I have found ONE supplement that is rebuilding my brain in ways that I never thought possible. Not only am I repairing decades of damage by bad eating, drinking and sleeping habits, but I am sleeping better, waking up early to workout before I get to work, my moods have evened out and I no longer drop into these deep cycles of depression, I am remembering things that I didn't even realize I had forgotten, I am more productive on a daily basis, I have not been sick with any respiratory issues in the 7 months I have taken it (I usually have a few bouts with bronchitis a year) AND I feel like I can accomplish anything I set my mind to - just like I did when I was young.

Perhaps even more importantly, I have made new friends who are like-minded and I no longer feel so isolated, I have deepened relationships with family members and long-time friends who have joined me in my venture, and I have begun to change my philosophy on life through personal development. I am also beginning to make a good steady residual income as well. I earn all my products FREE every month on top of my earnings. Whether or not I ever make another dime at this, my journey has been worth it because it has changed my life, and is assisting me in overcoming lifelong struggles. What a tiny investment I made for such an invaluable return. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. This life is a journey, and for the first time in 20 years, I am truly beginning to enjoy it again. I have hope again for brighter and better days. I am feeling confident about my skin, my body and my mental capacity. I am protecting myself against the full-on effects of aging and this toxic environment we humans have made for ourselves as best I can so that the rest of my life can be as happy and fulfilling as possible. The best is truly yet to come.

Thank you Nerium - for giving me what I need to be better every day! 
