I began AndyBooks.com in 2000 with a few of my close friends. The online-only bookstore was birthed out of a need to provide textbooks to students enrolled in my father's distance-learning Bible College, The Timothy Program International. Also, people who attended Dad's Bible studies, Hebrew seminars, and Bible Conferences wanted a way to purchase his teaching materials. I had a little Chihuahua named Anderson (ANDY) at the time, and everyone loved him as he was a big personality in a tiny little body and LOVED to pose for photos! I have always joked that I did not know what BIblical Studies and Chihuahuas had to do with one another, but I figure God has given us a great sense of humor and a life to enjoy.... so, WHY NOT make my adorable ANDY the mascot of my online Christian bookstore? HA!

So, AndyBooks.com was begun as a spin-off of my father's ministry, The Karl Coke Evangelistic Association, whom I have worked for since 1997. AndyBooks Outreach came to be as a way to share the profits from the bookstore with orphans and widows in India. You may read more about the Outreach on the outreach page... and for more information about KCEA and The Timothy Program, click the links for those on my "Sites I Like" page.

AndyBooks Mission Statement

"Study to show theyself approved unto God...." 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV

AndyBooks is devoted to providing quality, affordable Bible studies books and various original products. We are proud to offer materials by Karl D. Coke, Ph.D., a Hebrew scholar who has dedicated his life to teaching the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. These in-depth study materials and teaching CDs and DVDs are only available through AndyBooks. To learn more about Dr. Coke visit karlcoke.com. We also provide course materials for The Timothy Program International students (for website click here) and Biblical Life College & Seminary students (Missouri). Through our many products, we hope to spread joy and provide information for those who seek to know more about our wonderful Creator. We believe knowing and sharing God is exciting and fun and therefore, try to provide materials and a website that you will not only gain valuable information from, but will undoubtedly enjoy! andybooks.com